
In 2003 Patrick Kaiser Founder and President of Curbside Xpressions LLC, created and installed the first mail column and matching pillars on his own property. After just a few days of installing the columns and pillars, neighbors, friends and relatives wanted to purchase them for their own homes and told him that he should make and sell them. Patrick then took his idea to a patent attorney where he applied, and within a few months received his patent, not only on the mail columns and pillars but was able to patent additional products and applications.  During the next couple of years Patrick continued developing new products, and improving on the existing line of products and patents for those products. In 2005 Patrick began searching for a way to mass produce his products and distribute them nationwide. During his search for mass production, Patrick had local Michigan contractors continue producing the columns while he made several international contacts. After a couple years Patrick decided not to have them produced overseas, that they could be produced here in the USA and still be very affordable. He then began searching for a building in Michigan and by 2017 started full production of columns and has plans to produce his additional products in the coming years.

In God We Trust.


We are happy to report that the Curbside Xpressions Mail columns are now available on The Home Depot website.